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Puka Nacua

Puka Nacua Receptions
Player Prop Week 9

Seattle Seahawks vs Los Angeles Rams

Puka Nacua Receptions Prop is currently Over/Under 5.5 (+110/-145).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 5.5 @ +115 before it was bet down to 5.5 @ -145.
  • Based on the game dynamics and the underlying tendencies of each team, this contest is expected by the projection model to have 130.8 offensive plays run: the 4th-most on the slate this week.
  • Calm weather conditions (like the 4-mph wind being projected in this game) typically prompt better passing effectiveness, higher TD potential, higher pass volume, and lower rush volume.
  • In this week's game, Puka Nacua is expected by our trusted projection set to slot into the 94th percentile when it comes to WRs with 8.7 targets.
  • With an elite 27.3% Target Rate (93rd percentile) since the start of last season, Puka Nacua rates as one of the wide receivers with the most usage in the NFL.
  • Puka Nacua profiles as one of the leading wide receivers in the NFL since the start of last season, averaging an impressive 6.0 adjusted receptions per game while ranking in the 96th percentile.

  • The Los Angeles Rams O-line grades out as the 3rd-worst in football this year in pass protection, which has a negative effect on all pass attack statistics across the board.
  • The Seattle Seahawks safeties grade out as the 7th-best collection of safeties in football this year in covering receivers.

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