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Puka Nacua

Puka Nacua Receptions
Player Prop Week 20

Philadelphia Eagles vs Los Angeles Rams

Puka Nacua Receptions Prop is currently Over/Under 6.5 (-180/+135).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 7.5 @ -150 before it was bet down to 6.5 @ +135.
  • At a -6.5-point disadvantage, the Rams are underdogs in this game, implying more of an emphasis on moving the ball through the air than their normal game plan.
  • In this week's game, Puka Nacua is predicted by the projection model to land in the 100th percentile among WRs with 10.9 targets.
  • Puka Nacua has been a more important option in his team's passing attack this season (37.3% Target Share in games he has been on the field) than he was last season (29.1%).
  • With an excellent 6.5 adjusted catches per game (97th percentile) this year, Puka Nacua ranks as one of the best wide receivers in the NFL in the NFL.
  • Puka Nacua's 76.3% Adjusted Catch Rate this year illustrates an impressive boost in his receiving proficiency over last year's 67.4% figure.

  • Based on their underlying tendencies and matchup dynamics, the predictive model expects the Los Angeles Rams to pass on 54.9% of their plays: the 3rd-lowest clip among all teams this week.
  • Accounting for their underlying strategic approach and game dynamics, the Los Angeles Rams are projected by the projections to call just 64.5 total plays in this contest: the 3rd-lowest number on the slate this week.
  • Opposing teams have averaged 29.3 pass attempts per game against the Philadelphia Eagles defense this year: fewest in the league.
  • In regards to pass protection (and the significance it has on all passing offense stats), the offensive line of the Los Angeles Rams grades out as the worst in football this year.
  • The Philadelphia Eagles pass defense has given up the 5th-lowest Adjusted Completion% in the league (61.2%) versus wideouts this year (61.2%).

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