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Patrick Mahomes

Patrick Mahomes Interceptions
Player Prop Week 21

Kansas City Chiefs vs Buffalo Bills

Patrick Mahomes Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (+111/-138).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ -135 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ -138.
  • The model projects the Chiefs as the most pass-focused offense among all teams this week with a 64.2% pass rate, based on their underlying propensities and matchup dynamics.
  • Accounting for the game dynamics and the underlying tendencies of each team, this contest is forecasted by the projections to see just 132.5 plays on offense run: the fewest out of all the games this week.
  • The 10th-most plays in football have been called by the Kansas City Chiefs this year (a staggering 58.6 per game on average).
  • The weather forecast calls for 3-mph wind in this game. Low wind typically means higher pass volume, and lower ground volume, higher touchdown potential, and increased passing effectiveness.
  • The predictive model expects Patrick Mahomes to attempt 40.1 passes this week, on balance: the most out of all QBs.

  • The Buffalo Bills have intercepted 0.82 balls per game this year, ranking as the 9th-best defense in football by this stat.

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