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Patrick Mahomes

Patrick Mahomes Interceptions
Player Prop Week 20

Kansas City Chiefs vs Houston Texans

Patrick Mahomes Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (+112/-154).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ -109 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ -154.
  • The projections expect the Kansas City Chiefs to be the 2nd-most pass-oriented team in the league (context-neutralized) right now with a 68.3% pass rate.
  • Given the game dynamics and the underlying traits of each team, this game is expected by our trusted projection set to have 136.5 plays on offense run: the most out of all the games this week.
  • The Chiefs have called the 7th-most plays in the league this year, averaging a whopping 59.5 plays per game.
  • The leading projections forecast Patrick Mahomes to throw 38.6 passes in this contest, on average: the most out of all quarterbacks.
  • The Kansas City Chiefs offensive line grades out as the 5th-best in the league this year in pass protection, which has a strong effect on all air attack metrics across the board.

  • This week's line suggests an extreme running game script for the Chiefs, who are overwhelmingly favored by 8.5 points.
  • The weather report calls for 12-mph wind in this game. High wind typically means reduced pass volume (and higher run volume) and worse passing effectiveness.
  • Opposing quarterbacks have averaged 30.5 pass attempts per game vs. the Houston Texans defense this year: 9th-fewest in the NFL.
  • Houston's defense profiles as the 2nd-best in football this year when it comes to making interceptions, compiling 1.28 per game.
  • When it comes to cornerbacks in defending receivers, Houston's group of CBs has been excellent this year, profiling as the best in football.

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