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Lamar Jackson

Lamar Jackson Interceptions
Player Prop Week 17

Houston Texans vs Baltimore Ravens

Lamar Jackson Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (+100/-130).

The money has been on the Over as it opened 0.5 @ +105 before it was bet up to 0.5 @ +100.
  • The passing offenses of both teams (as it relates to both volume and effectiveness) figure to benefit from the calm "weather" conditions (i.e. zero wind) inside this dome, while run volume may fall-off.

  • A running game script is suggested by the Ravens being a 5.5-point favorite in this week's game.
  • The projections expect the Baltimore Ravens to be the 3rd-least pass-oriented team among all teams this week with a 50.9% pass rate, given their underlying tendencies and matchup dynamics.
  • Our trusted projections expect this game to chug along at the 11th-slowest tempo on the slate this week, averaging 26.55 seconds per play based on the traits of each team and game dynamics.
  • The leading projections forecast Lamar Jackson to throw 30.8 passes in this game, on balance: the 3rd-fewest out of all QBs.
  • In registering a mere 0.18 interceptions per game this year, Lamar Jackson stands among the top QBs in the league (89th percentile).

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