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Justin Herbert

Justin Herbert Interceptions
Player Prop Week 19

Houston Texans vs Los Angeles Chargers

Justin Herbert Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (+106/-137).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ -136 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ -137.
  • With a 62.2% rate of passing the ball (context-neutralized) this year, the 10th-most pass-heavy team in the league has been the Los Angeles Chargers.
  • Given the game dynamics and the underlying traits of each team, this contest is anticipated by the projection model to have just 127.7 plays on offense run: the fewest on the slate this week.
  • The air attacks of both teams (as it relates to both volume and effectiveness) stand to benefit from the still "weather" conditions (meaning no wind) inside this dome, while ground volume may suffer.

  • A rushing game script is indicated by the Chargers being a 3-point favorite this week.
  • The Chargers have run the 2nd-fewest plays in football this year, averaging a mere 55.5 plays per game.
  • Justin Herbert has racked up just 0.16 interceptions per game this year, grading out in the 92nd percentile among QBs.
  • The Houston Texans have intercepted 1.09 throws per game this year, grading out as the 2nd-best defense in football by this standard.
  • When it comes to cornerbacks in covering pass-catchers, Houston's unit has been terrific this year, grading out as the 4th-best in the league.

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