Given their underlying strategic approach and matchup dynamics, the projections expect the Carolina Panthers to pass on 56.1% of their downs: the 9th-lowest clip among all teams this week.The model projects the Panthers to call the 8th-fewest offensive plays among all teams this week with 62.7 plays, based on their underlying propensities and game dynamics.With a RATE1-RATE2 point reduction in WOPR (Weighted Opportunity Rating—an advanced metric that assesses high-value offensive volume) from last season to this one, Hayden Hurst has been utilized much less in his team's pass attack.The Panthers offensive line grades out as the 2nd-worst in the NFL this year in protecting the QB, which has a negative effect on all pass game stats across the board.Hayden Hurst's 19.0 adjusted yards per game through the air this year illustrates an impressive diminishment in his pass-catching talent over last year's 33.0 rate.