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Geno Smith

Geno Smith Interceptions
Player Prop Week 7

Atlanta Falcons vs Seattle Seahawks

Geno Smith Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-125/-105).

  • At a -3-point disadvantage, the Seahawks are underdogs in this week's game, suggesting more of a reliance on moving the ball through the air than their usual approach.
  • The predictive model expects the Seahawks as the 2nd-most pass-centric team on the slate this week with a 63.5% pass rate, based on their underlying play style and matchup dynamics.
  • The projections expect the Seattle Seahawks to run the 2nd-most total plays among all teams this week with 67.8 plays, based on their underlying tendencies and game dynamics.
  • The Seahawks have called the 4th-most plays in football this year, averaging a monstrous 60.5 plays per game.
  • This game will be played in a dome—which means no wind, higher pass volume, higher TD potential, and increased passing efficiency.

  • The Seattle Seahawks offensive line profiles as the 2nd-worst in the NFL this year in protecting the quarterback, which has a harmful effect on all pass game stats across the board.
  • Atlanta's defense ranks as the 9th-best in the NFL this year as it relates to forcing interceptions, compiling 0.92 per game.
  • The Atlanta Falcons safeties grade out as the 6th-best safety corps in the NFL this year in defending receivers.

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