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Geno Smith

Geno Smith Interceptions
Player Prop Week 3

Seattle Seahawks vs Miami Dolphins

Geno Smith Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-102/-128).

  • Given their underlying tendencies and matchup dynamics, the projections expect the Seahawks to pass on 60.3% of their chances: the 8th-highest frequency on the slate this week.
  • The leading projections forecast this game to see the 5th-highest number of plays run among all games this week at 130.9 plays, based on the approaches of each team and game dynamics.
  • The forecast calls for 4-mph wind in this game. Low wind typically means increased pass volume, and lower run volume, increased touchdown potential, and better passing efficiency.
  • Our trusted projections expect Geno Smith to throw 35.4 passes in this contest, on balance: the 10th-most out of all quarterbacks.
  • The Dolphins cornerbacks profile as the 2nd-worst CB corps in the NFL since the start of last season in defending pass-catchers.

  • The Seahawks have run the 3rd-fewest plays in the NFL since the start of last season, totaling a mere 54.9 plays per game.
  • Opposing quarterbacks have averaged 31.7 pass attempts per game against the Miami Dolphins defense since the start of last season: 8th-fewest in football.
  • The Seahawks offensive line grades out as the 10th-worst in football since the start of last season in protecting the passer, which has a harmful influence on all passing offense metrics across the board.

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