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Geno Smith

Geno Smith Interceptions
Player Prop Week 17

Chicago Bears vs Seattle Seahawks

Geno Smith Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-130/+100).

  • The predictive model expects the Seahawks to be the 5th-most pass-centric offense in football (context-neutralized) at the moment with a 63.4% pass rate.
  • The predictive model expects the Seahawks offense to be the 9th-quickest paced team in the league (in a neutral context) right now, averaging 27.10 seconds per snap.
  • In totaling a massive 36.7 pass attempts per game this year, Geno Smith places among the top QBs in the NFL (95th percentile) by this metric.
  • Geno Smith has racked up 1.04 interceptions per game this year, checking in at the 14th percentile when it comes to QBs.
  • As it relates to linebackers in covering receivers, Chicago's LB corps has been dreadful this year, profiling as the 10th-worst in the league.

  • The Seahawks are a 5-point favorite in this week's game, likely creating a rushing game script.
  • The Seattle Seahawks offensive line ranks as the 4th-worst in the league this year in protecting the QB, which has a negative effect on all passing attack stats across the board.

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