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Geno Smith

Geno Smith Interceptions
Player Prop Week 14

Arizona Cardinals vs Seattle Seahawks

Geno Smith Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-115/-113).

The money has been on the Over as it opened 0.5 @ -108 before it was bet up to 0.5 @ -115.
  • A passing game script is indicated by the Seahawks being a -3-point underdog this week.
  • The predictive model expects the Seattle Seahawks to be the 3rd-most pass-heavy team on the slate this week with a 64.0% pass rate, accounting for their underlying tendencies and matchup dynamics.
  • The model projects the Seattle Seahawks offense to be the 4th-quickest paced team in the NFL (context-neutralized) right now, averaging 26.91 seconds per play.
  • This game will be played in a dome—which means no wind, higher pass volume, higher touchdown potential, and increased passing effectiveness.
  • This week, Geno Smith is anticipated by our trusted projection set to total the 4th-most pass attempts among all quarterbacks with 38.1.

  • The Seattle O-line grades out as the 7th-worst in the NFL this year in protecting the quarterback, which has a harmful effect on all pass game statistics across the board.

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