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Geno Smith

Geno Smith Interceptions
Player Prop Week 1

Seattle Seahawks vs Denver Broncos

Geno Smith Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-114/-114).

  • Denver's defense ranks as the 9th-worst in the NFL last year as it relates to causing interceptions, accumulating a mere 0.60 per game.
  • When it comes to linebackers in pass coverage, Denver's LB corps has been awful last year, ranking as the worst in the league.

  • This game's line indicates a running game script for the Seahawks, who are favored by 4.5 points.
  • The model projects the Seahawks to be the 10th-least pass-focused offense on the slate this week with a 55.6% pass rate, accounting for their underlying strategic approach and matchup dynamics.
  • Based on their underlying play style and game dynamics, the Seattle Seahawks are projected by the model to run only 62.2 offensive plays in this contest: the 3rd-fewest on the slate this week.
  • The Seahawks have run the 3rd-fewest plays in the league last year, averaging just 54.6 plays per game.
  • The projections expect Geno Smith to throw 32.0 passes in this contest, on balance: the 5th-fewest among all quarterbacks.

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