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Evan Engram

Evan Engram Receptions
Player Prop Week 9

Philadelphia Eagles vs Jacksonville Jaguars

Evan Engram Receptions Prop is currently Over/Under 5.5 (+108/-139).

  • At a -7.5-point disadvantage, the Jaguars are massive underdogs in this week's game, suggesting much more of a focus on moving the ball through the air than their normal game plan.
  • Accounting for their underlying strategic approach and matchup dynamics, the projections expect the Jacksonville Jaguars to pass on 61.6% of their downs: the 5th-greatest rate on the slate this week.
  • Still weather conditions (like the 4-mph wind being called for in this game) typically lead to better passing efficiency, increased TD potential, increased air attack volume, and reduced ground volume.
  • In this week's game, Evan Engram is forecasted by our trusted projection set to finish in the 98th percentile when it comes to TEs with 8.3 targets.
  • The Jacksonville offensive line grades out as the 4th-best in the league this year in protecting the passer, which has a strong impact on all passing attack metrics across the board.

  • The projections expect the Jaguars to call the 5th-fewest total plays on the slate this week with 62.1 plays, accounting for their underlying play style and game dynamics.
  • The Jaguars have called the 5th-fewest plays in the league this year, totaling a measly 54.0 plays per game.
  • Evan Engram's 75.6% Route Participation% this year represents a substantial regression in his passing offense usage over last year's 87.4% rate.
  • Evan Engram's play as a receiver has tailed off this season, notching just 4.9 adjusted receptions vs 6.7 last season.
  • The Philadelphia defensive ends rank as the best DE corps in the NFL this year in regard to pass rush.

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