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Evan Engram

Evan Engram Receptions
Player Prop Week 13

Jacksonville Jaguars vs Houston Texans

Evan Engram Receptions Prop is currently Over/Under 5.5 (-117/-117).

The money has been on the Over as it opened 5.5 @ +112 before it was bet up to 5.5 @ -117.
  • At a -3.5-point disadvantage, the Jaguars are underdogs in this week's game, implying more of a reliance on passing than their usual game plan.
  • The model projects the Jacksonville Jaguars offense to be the 8th-fastest paced team in the league (adjusted for context) at the moment, averaging 27.41 seconds per play.
  • The projections expect Evan Engram to garner 9.1 targets this week, on average, putting him in the 98th percentile when it comes to TEs.
  • Evan Engram's 53.9 WOPR (Weighted Opportunity Rating—an advanced statistic that calculates high-value offensive involvement) has been notably higher this season than it was last season at 45.4.
  • The Jacksonville O-line profiles as the 7th-best in football this year in protecting the passer, which has a positive impact on all passing attack metrics across the board.

  • Evan Engram's receiving performance has worsened this year, totaling a mere 5.0 adjusted catches compared to 6.7 last year.
  • Evan Engram's possession skills have worsened this season, with his Adjusted Completion% shrinking from 81.3% to 72.0%.
  • This year, the stout Houston Texans defense has allowed a meager 60.8% Adjusted Completion Rate versus opposing tight ends: the smallest rate in the league.
  • The Houston defensive ends profile as the 6th-best unit in the NFL this year in regard to rushing the passer.

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