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Evan Engram

Evan Engram Receptions
Player Prop Week 1

Miami Dolphins vs Jacksonville Jaguars

Evan Engram Receptions Prop is currently Over/Under 5.5 (+120/-150).

The money has been on the Over as it opened 5.5 @ +120 before it was bet up to 5.5 @ +120.
  • At a -3.5-point disadvantage, the Jaguars are underdogs in this week's game, indicating more of a reliance on moving the ball through the air than their normal game plan.
  • Given their underlying tendencies and matchup dynamics, the leading projections forecast the Jacksonville Jaguars to pass on 61.5% of their downs: the 6th-greatest rate on the slate this week.
  • The 9th-highest number of plays in football have been called by the Jaguars last year (a colossal 60.0 per game on average).
  • In this week's game, Evan Engram is expected by the projections to rank in the 99th percentile when it comes to TEs with 7.8 targets.
  • With an extraordinary 24.5% Target Rate (100th percentile) last year, Evan Engram stands as one of the tight ends with the most usage in football.

  • Our trusted projections expect this game to have the 5th-fewest plays run among all games this week at 126.1 plays, based on the tendencies of each team and game dynamics.
  • The Dolphins safeties rank as the 3rd-best collection of safeties in the league last year in defending receivers.

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