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Deshaun Watson

Deshaun Watson Interceptions
Player Prop Week 7

Cleveland Browns vs Cincinnati Bengals

Deshaun Watson Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-157/+120).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ +138 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ +120.
  • This game's spread implies a throwing game script for the Browns, who are -5.5-point underdogs.
  • The projections expect the Browns offense to be the 8th-fastest paced team in the league (context-neutralized) right now, averaging 27.33 seconds per snap.
  • As it relates to safeties in covering pass-catchers, Cincinnati's unit has been easily exploitable this year, ranking as the 2nd-worst in football.

  • Based on their underlying propensities and matchup dynamics, the predictive model expects the Browns to pass on 54.4% of their plays: the 7th-lowest clip on the slate this week.
  • In this week's contest, Deshaun Watson is predicted by the predictive model to have the 4th-fewest pass attempts among all QBs with 26.8.
  • The Browns offensive line grades out as the 5th-worst in the NFL this year in protecting the passer, which has a harmful influence on all pass attack metrics across the board.

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