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Deshaun Watson

Deshaun Watson Interceptions
Player Prop Week 3

Cleveland Browns vs New York Giants

Deshaun Watson Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-100/-130).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ -125 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ -130.
  • At the present time, the 2nd-fastest paced team in football (in a neutral context) according to the model is the Browns.
  • Deshaun Watson has thrown 0.78 interceptions per game since the start of last season, ranking in the 24th percentile among QBs.
  • As it relates to safeties in covering pass-catchers, New York's safety corps has been dreadful since the start of last season, profiling as the 6th-worst in football.

  • This game's spread implies a rushing game script for the Browns, who are favored by 6.5 points.
  • Accounting for their underlying propensities and matchup dynamics, the predictive model expects the Cleveland Browns to pass on 55.4% of their downs: the 11th-lowest frequency on the slate this week.
  • New York's defense grades out as the 7th-best in football since the start of last season as it relates to making interceptions, averaging 0.97 per game.

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