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Daniel Jones

Daniel Jones Interceptions
Player Prop Week 5

Seattle Seahawks vs New York Giants

Daniel Jones Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-125/-103).

The money has been on the Over as it opened 0.5 @ -112 before it was bet up to 0.5 @ -125.
  • A passing game script is suggested by the Giants being a -3.5-point underdog in this game.
  • Our trusted projections expect the Giants to be the 7th-fastest paced defense in the league (adjusted for context) right now, with opposing offenses averaging 28.06 seconds per play.
  • Still weather conditions (like the 3-mph wind being predicted in this game) typically cause better passing efficiency, higher TD potential, higher air attack volume, and lower run volume.
  • In racking up a whopping 38.2 pass attempts per game this year, Daniel Jones ranks among the top quarterbacks in football (92nd percentile) in this regard.
  • The Seahawks have intercepted 0.41 passes per game this year, ranking as the 10th-worst defense in the league by this metric

  • As it relates to safeties in pass coverage, Seattle's safety corps has been one of the most skilled this year, grading out as the 2nd-best in football.

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