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Daniel Jones

Daniel Jones Interceptions
Player Prop Week 4

New York Giants vs Dallas Cowboys

Daniel Jones Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-115/-113).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ -104 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ -113.
  • The Giants are a 4-point underdog in this week's contest, indicating a passing game script.
  • Accounting for the game dynamics and the underlying tendencies of each team, this game is predicted by the predictive model to have 131.8 total plays run: the 2nd-highest number among all games this week.
  • Still weather conditions (like the 3-mph wind being forecasted in this game) generally mean increased passing effectiveness, higher touchdown potential, higher air attack volume, and reduced ground volume.
  • Daniel Jones has logged 0.83 interceptions per game since the start of last season, grading out in the 20th percentile among QBs.
  • The Dallas Cowboys safeties project as the 5th-worst unit in the league since the start of last season in covering receivers.

  • In tallying a meager 23.6 pass attempts per game since the start of last season, Daniel Jones ranks among the bottom QBs in football (17th percentile) in this regard.
  • Opposing QBs teams have been wary to test the pass defense of the Cowboys, averaging the 2nd-fewest attempts in the league (a lowly 28.6 per game) since the start of last season.
  • The Giants offensive line grades out as the worst in football since the start of last season in protecting the QB, which has a negative impact on all passing attack statistics across the board.
  • The Dallas Cowboys have intercepted 0.99 targets per game since the start of last season, ranking as the 5th-best defense in the NFL by this statistic.

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