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Baker Mayfield

Baker Mayfield Interceptions
Player Prop Week 17

Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Carolina Panthers

Baker Mayfield Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (+100/-130).

The money has been on the Over as it opened 0.5 @ +110 before it was bet up to 0.5 @ +100.
  • The Tampa Bay offensive line ranks as the 4th-best in the NFL this year in pass protection, which has a strong effect on all passing game statistics across the board.
  • Baker Mayfield has racked up 1.06 interceptions per game this year, grading out in the 5th percentile among quarterbacks.
  • Carolina's defense profiles as the 9th-worst in football this year as it relates to forcing interceptions, compiling a lowly 0.54 per game.
  • As it relates to cornerbacks in defending pass-catchers, Carolina's collection of CBs has been lousy this year, ranking as the 7th-worst in football.

  • This game's line indicates an extreme rushing game script for the Buccaneers, who are a huge favorite by 9.5 points.
  • The projections expect the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as the 8th-least pass-centric team on the slate this week with a 53.4% pass rate, given their underlying traits and matchup dynamics.
  • The model projects this game to have the 11th-slowest tempo out of all the games this week, averaging 26.41 seconds per play based on the play styles of each team and game dynamics.
  • The leading projections forecast Baker Mayfield to attempt 32.5 passes in this contest, on balance: the 9th-fewest among all QBs.
  • Opposing QBs teams have been reluctant to lean on the pass against the Carolina Panthers, totaling the 9th-fewest attempts in the league (a lowly 32.9 per game) this year.

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