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Amari Cooper

Amari Cooper Receptions
Player Prop Week 1

Cleveland Browns vs Dallas Cowboys

Amari Cooper Receptions Prop is currently Over/Under 4.5 (+110/-140).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 4.5 @ +110 before it was bet down to 4.5 @ -140.
  • Given the game dynamics and the underlying traits of each team, this contest is expected by our trusted projection set to have 134.7 total plays run: the most among all games this week.
  • The highest number of plays in football have been called by the Browns last year (a whopping 63.8 per game on average).
  • In this week's contest, Amari Cooper is anticipated by the model to secure a spot in the 82nd percentile among wideouts with 7.2 targets.
  • Amari Cooper slots into the 89th percentile when it comes to wide receiver WOPR (Weighted Opportunity Rating—an advanced metric that quantifies high-value offensive volume) with a superb 63.2 mark last year.
  • When talking about protecting the quarterback (and the positive impact it has on all pass game statistics), the O-line of the Browns profiles as the 10th-best in the NFL last year.

  • The predictive model expects the Browns as the 3rd-least pass-centric offense on the slate this week with a 53.6% pass rate, accounting for their underlying play style and matchup dynamics.
  • The weather forecast calls for 13-mph wind in this game. High wind typically means lower pass volume (and increased run volume) and decreased passing effectiveness.
  • Opposing quarterbacks have averaged 29.0 pass attempts per game against the Dallas Cowboys defense last year: 2nd-fewest in the league.
  • The Cowboys pass defense has allowed the 5th-lowest Adjusted Completion% in the NFL (59.1%) to wide receivers last year (59.1%).
  • As it relates to linebackers in defending receivers, Dallas's LB corps has been exceptional last year, ranking as the 4th-best in the NFL.

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