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Alvin Kamara

Alvin Kamara Receptions
Player Prop Week 9

Carolina Panthers vs New Orleans Saints

Alvin Kamara Receptions Prop is currently Over/Under 4.5 (-114/-114).

The money has been on the Over as it opened 4.5 @ -105 before it was bet up to 4.5 @ -114.
  • Given their underlying tendencies and game dynamics, the Saints are predicted by the projections to run 66.0 plays on offense in this game: the 6th-most on the slate this week.
  • The model projects Alvin Kamara to accrue 7.3 targets in this contest, on balance, ranking him in the 100th percentile among running backs.
  • Alvin Kamara's 34.0 WOPR (Weighted Opportunity Rating—an advanced statistic that assesses high-value offensive usage) has been notably better this season than it was last season at 28.9.
  • With an outstanding 4.9 adjusted catches per game (100th percentile) this year, Alvin Kamara places as one of the leading pass-game running backs in the league.
  • This year, the feeble Carolina Panthers pass defense has yielded a staggering 94.4% Adjusted Completion Rate vs. opposing RBs: the 2nd-biggest rate in the league.

  • An extreme running game script is indicated by the Saints being an enormous 7-point favorite in this week's contest.
  • Given their underlying tendencies and matchup dynamics, our trusted projections expect the Saints to pass on 52.4% of their chances: the 3rd-lowest clip on the slate this week.
  • Opposing quarterbacks have averaged 31.0 pass attempts per game vs. the Panthers defense this year: 10th-fewest in the NFL.
  • When talking about protecting the passer (and the impact it has on all passing game statistics), the O-line of the Saints ranks as the worst in the league this year.
  • Alvin Kamara's sure-handedness have tailed off this season, with his Adjusted Catch Rate falling off from 86.4% to 73.3%.

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