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Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers Interceptions
Player Prop Week 15

Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets

Aaron Rodgers Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (+100/-130).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ -120 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ -130.
  • The model projects the New York Jets to be the 5th-most pass-centric offense in the NFL (context-neutralized) right now with a 63.6% pass rate.
  • In this contest, Aaron Rodgers is predicted by the model to average the 10th-most pass attempts out of all QBs with 36.2.
  • Opposing teams have averaged 36.4 pass attempts per game against the Jacksonville Jaguars defense this year: 7th-most in the league.
  • In regards to pass protection (and the strong effect it has on all pass game stats), the O-line of the New York Jets profiles as the 5th-best in the league this year.
  • Jacksonville's defense profiles as the 5th-worst in the NFL this year as it relates to producing interceptions, notching a measly 0.38 per game.

  • With a 3-point advantage, the Jets are favored in this game, suggesting more of a focus on running than their typical game plan.
  • The 10th-fewest plays in football have been called by the New York Jets this year (a lowly 56.1 per game on average).
  • The weather report calls for 13-mph wind in this game. High wind typically means reduced pass volume (and higher run volume) and decreased passing effectiveness.

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