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Jrue Holiday

Jrue Holiday Rebounds
Player Prop - 2/4/2024

Boston Celtics vs Memphis Grizzlies

Jrue Holiday Rebounds Prop is currently Over/Under 4.5 (-125/-105).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 4.5 @ +110 before it was bet down to 4.5 @ -105.
  • Jrue Holiday has compiled 4.6 defensive boards per game this year, putting him in the company of the best players in the NBA by this standard: 88th percentile.
  • Out of all players in the league, Jrue Holiday lands in the 88th percentile for playing time, putting up a monstrous 32.8 minutes per game while at home this year.
  • The Celtics are expected to get a boost in opportunities in this game from facing the 6th-most up-tempo pace-of-play away offense in the league over the last 25 games (the Memphis Grizzlies).
  • Offensive rebounds maintain possession and generate bonus chances for scoring and assists, and the Celtics grade out 10thbest in in the league on their home court with 10.8 offensive boards per game over the last 25 games.
  • Jrue Holiday will enjoy the benefit of the home court advantage in this matchup. Playing in your home city usually improves stat production in all stat categories.

  • The 3rd-slowest tempo home offense in the league over the last 5 games has been the Celtics.
  • Away from their home court, the Memphis Grizzlies have allowed the 5th-most offensive boards per game (11.1) in the NBA to the other team over the last 25 games (offensive rebounds maintain possession and can therefore provide added chances for scoring and assists).

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