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Jrue Holiday

Jrue Holiday Made 3 Point Shots
Player Prop - 4/1/2024

Charlotte Hornets vs Boston Celtics

Jrue Holiday Made 3 Point Shots Prop is currently Over/Under 1.5 (-215/+164).

The money has been on the Over as it opened 1.5 @ -148 before it was bet up to 1.5 @ -215.
  • Out of all players in the league, Jrue Holiday places in the 89th percentile for 3-point prowess on the road with a phenomenal 42.8% rate this year.
  • Out of all players in the NBA, Jrue Holiday lands in the 90th percentile for playing time, logging a monstrous 33.2 minutes per game this year.
  • The Boston Celtics check in as the 9th-best offensive rebounding offense in the NBA over the last 15 games (offensive rebounds maintain possession and can therefore provide additional chances for scoring and assists).

  • The matchup vs. Charlotte is a difficult one for three-pointers; when the Charlotte Hornets are playing at home, the opposition's starting PGs have put up the 4th-lowest 3-point percentage in the league this year (27.9%).
  • The Boston Celtics have played at the most sluggish tempo in the NBA over the last 15 games without the home court advantage.
  • The Boston Celtics will likely suffer a drop-off in plays today from sharing the court with the 3rd-slowest tempo offense in the league over the last 5 games (the Charlotte Hornets).
  • Jrue Holiday is expected to see a decline in output for all stats due to playing away from home in this contest.

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