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Baker Mayfield

Baker Mayfield Interceptions
Player Prop Week 12

New York Giants vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Baker Mayfield Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-107/-122).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ -108 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ -122.
  • Our trusted projections expect the Buccaneers to be the 4th-most pass-focused offense in football (in a neutral context) at the moment with a 63.2% pass rate.
  • The Buccaneers O-line ranks as the 9th-best in football this year in protecting the passer, which has a strong effect on all passing offense stats across the board.
  • The Giants have intercepted 0.00 targets per game this year, ranking as the worst defense in the league by this metric
  • As it relates to safeties in pass coverage, New York's collection of safeties has been easily exploitable this year, projecting as the 7th-worst in football.

  • The Buccaneers are a 6-point favorite in this week's game, indicating a running game script.
  • Based on the game dynamics and the underlying tendencies of each team, this contest is predicted by the predictive model to see only 126.8 plays on offense run: the 2nd-fewest out of all the games this week.
  • The weather report calls for 14-mph wind in this game. High wind usually means lower pass volume (and increased run volume) and worse passing effectiveness.
  • In this contest, Baker Mayfield is anticipated by the projections to total the 8th-fewest pass attempts out of all quarterbacks with 31.8.
  • Opposing offenses have averaged 28.7 pass attempts per game versus the New York Giants defense this year: fewest in football.

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