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Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers Interceptions
Player Prop Week 9

New York Jets vs Houston Texans

Aaron Rodgers Interceptions Prop is currently Over/Under 0.5 (-102/-128).

The money has been on the Under as it opened 0.5 @ -114 before it was bet down to 0.5 @ -128.
  • The leading projections forecast the New York Jets to be the 8th-most pass-oriented team in the NFL (context-neutralized) right now with a 62.5% pass rate.
  • In racking up a massive 36.7 pass attempts per game this year, Aaron Rodgers rates among the top QBs in the league (92nd percentile) in this respect.
  • When talking about protecting the quarterback (and the positive effect it has on all passing offense stats), the O-line of the New York Jets ranks as the 4th-best in the league this year.

  • Based on their underlying tendencies and game dynamics, the Jets are forecasted by the model to run just 63.5 total plays in this contest: the 9th-lowest number among all teams this week.
  • The Texans have intercepted 1.10 targets per game this year, ranking as the 6th-best defense in football by this standard.
  • When it comes to linebackers in covering receivers, Houston's group of LBs has been terrific this year, profiling as the 9th-best in the NFL.

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